Friday, September 21, 2012

FAST Search Server 2010 SharePoint 2010

Microsoft took over the search company FAST search and Transfer in the year 2008 and after that Microsoft developed FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint that is a fully integrated search server engine.

Benefits we get:

- Now you can see thumbnails and previews of your word or powerpoint files in the search result page. Power point files can be previewed without opening file or even with a PowerPoint client or with office web application.

- By using office application office files can be opened in the browser.

- FAST search provides visual best bets which are pictures or videos that are best bets for several key words.

- FAST Search provides the capability of result refining on metadata associated with all results.

- SharePoint search provides powerful social capabilities search like based on user information like department, skills, city etc.

- Each property can be the base of sorting, configured in the “Sort by” field.

- You can see similar search result in FAST search.

- FAST Search supports language-specific search.

- In FAST Search, custom queries can be set up using the native query language for FAST.

- FAST Search Server 2010 can be scale-out upto 500 million items.

- Can be possible relevance ranking.

- Easy-to-configure sorting and refinement.

Create list using SharePoint Designer 2010

We will discuss how we can create s SharePoint 2010 list using SharePoint designer 2010. Before that you can visit this url to create SharePoint site using SharePoint designer 2010 . And if you want to create a list using browser, then you can visit this url

To create a list in SharePoint designer first open the SharePoint site in the designer and from the home page navigate to the Ribbon and Click on the SharePoint List and select the particular list type as shown in the figure. Here we have selected Contacts list as shown in the figure below.

This will open the Create list or document library dialog box. There give the name and description of the list and click on OK as shown in the figure below.

Create Site using SharePoint Designer 2010

Here we will dicuss how to create a site using SharePoint Designer 2010. If you want to see how to create a Site collection using browser, then you can follow this URL


To start your create a site collection using SharePoint 2010 designer click on Start -> All Programs -> SharePoint -> MicroSoft SharePoint Designer 2010. This will open your SharePoint Designer 2010.

Then from the home page Look for the New SharePoint Site section and click on Team Site from the Site Template list as shown in the figure below.

This will open the Team Site doalog box and there give the location of the new web site and click on OK as shown in the figure below.


if you want to create a sub site to an existing site then open the Site collection in SharePoint Designer 2010 and then navigate to the Subsites section in the right hand site and click on New... as shown in the figure below.

Then this will open your New dialogbox, where you can use the particular template for which type you want to make the web site, like you have to choose from the out of box template like team site, blank site, blog etc. 

Then you need to Specify the location of the new web site in the textbox and click on OK as Shown in the figure.

This will create the Site and after that you can see the site in the browser with that particluar address.

Here to remember one thing after you create the site or sub site, SharePoint designer 2010 will name the site as the name of the template like here it will  name it as Team Site. To change the name, from the Home page in the SharePoint designer, from the Site Information section click on the Title and Description and change according to your need as show in the figure below.

How To Hide Ribbon From Anonymous Users in Sharepoint 2010

1)      Open your SharePoint v4.master page in sharepoint designer

2)      Locate this line:

<div id="s4-ribbonrow">

3)      Change it to:

<div id="s4-ribbonrow" style="display:none">

4)      Now find the end of the “s4-ribbonrow” tag and add following block right after it:

<Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID="SPSecurityTrimmedControl2" runat="server" PermissionsString="AddAndCustomizePages">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("s4-ribbonrow").style.display = "block";

5)      Save the v4.master page and publish it.

Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010

SharePoint designer 2010 is a free tool provided by Microsoft. You can download SharePoint 2010 designer 64 bit version from here.
SharePoint designer 2010 provides no code solution. It provides a very user friendly interface similar to Microsoft office 2010.
What can be done using SharePoint 2010:
  • Can design components like lists, data sources, content types, views, forms, workflows, and external content types, without writting any code.
  • Personalize pages, page layouts, Web Parts, Web Part Pages, layouts and themes.
  • You can create, customize master page and css classes.
  • Create and manage lists and document libraries.
  • Can design SharePoint 2010 simple workflows, also you can work on import workflows designed from Microsoft Visio 2010.
  • Manage content-types and site columns, to model typed lists of contents.
  • You can create pages.
  • you can also Manage users and groups. You can prevent users from customizing pages, master pages, or page layouts to keep a consistent look and feel across your site.
  • Manage files and assets of the target site.
  • Also you can communicate with external data sources like business data connectivity services.
  • You can import or export Visio process diagrams.
  • you can open site, create site by SharePoint designer 2010.
You can also visit some more SharePoint 2010 tutorials here !!!

Breadcrumb in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint breadcrumb is a very nice feature of SharePoint 2010. If you use the Breadcrumb by following this link then you will have some problem like. At the end it will add Pages ->Default Page.

If you do not want that type means you want only Home -> Site1 ->Site1.1 ->Site1.1.1 without your page tag then follow below SiteMapPath.

<asp:SiteMapPath SiteMapProvider="CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode" id="ContentMap"  SkipLinkText="-"  RenderCurrentNodeAsLink="true" NodeStyle-CssClass="ms-sitemapdirectional" runat="server"/>

The solution is to change the SiteMapProvider from SPContentMapProvider to  CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode.

You can hide the ‘Pages’ library in SharePoint breadcrumb by this method.

Application Pages in SharePoint 2010

Application pages in SharePoint 2010 is a very useful concepts.

-These pages will be available to all sites of a farm.

-They are deployed under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS folder.

-They are available through a virtual directory namely _layout.

-These pages are basically for administrative tasks.

-To create an application page using Visual Studio 2010 is very easy. By using the template Application Page you can create an application page.

-By default the page will use the default.master page.

-The page is derived from the base class LayoutsPageBase which is derived from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace.

-Application pages cannot be personalized or customized by the end user because they are defined on the file system.

-Example of application page is settings.aspx.

Upload Custom Theme in SharePoint 2010

I will strongly recommend to read this article on how to create custom Theme is SharePoint 2010 before reading this article. In this article we will discuss how we can use custom theme made by using Microsoft office application in our SharePoint 2010 site.

Open SharePoint 2010 site using browser.

Click on Site Actions and then Site Settings. This will open the site settings page.

From the Site Settings page Navigate to the Galleries section and click on Themes.

This will open the Theme home page.

From the ribbon, click the Documents tab and then click Upload Document. And browse the .thmx file that we have save in a physical location as described in this article. As shown in the figure below. Also you can upload from the Add new item link presented below the list of Themes.
This will open the upload new item dialog box as shown in the figure below.

After that click on Save and our custom theme is saved and ready to use.

To use the Theme click Site Actions -> Site Settings. Then, under Look and Feel, click Site Theme. From the list of themes you can preview or use our custom theme.

Difference between Classic and Claim based Authentication in SharePoint 2010

Classic Based Authentication : 
You cannot configure the Forms based authentication if your web application is using Classic Mode Authentication.

You can convert a web application from Classic Mode Authentication to Claims Based Authentication. However, that can only be done using PowerShell commands and its an irreversible process. 

Classic authentication supports authentication types like Kerberos, NTLM, anonymous. Classic is more commonly seen in 2007 environments.
Claim Based Authentication:
It enables authentication from windows as well as non-windows based systems. This also provides the capability to have multiple authentication in a single URL. 

Claims based authentication uses claims identities against a against a trusted identity provider. 

Claims are the recommended path for new deployments in SharePoint 2010

Full trust and Code Access Security (CAS) in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will discuss how full trust and Code Access Security (CAS) works in SharePoint 2010 and we will check the limitations and benifits. Also you can check my last article on Authentication, Authorization and Identities in SharePoint 2010.

I am interested in writing this article because Anusha asked What is full trust and CAS in SharePoint 2010?

Code Access Security:
- This is partial trust model.

- The assemblies will be deployed to the bin directory of the corresponding SharePoint web application.

- The solution will be scoped to the web application only, not to the farm level.

- Any other files like resource or image files will be deployed to the SharePoint root directory.

Full Trust:
- In case of Full trust the assemblies in your solution are deployed to the global assembly cache on each Web front-end server and application server in the server farm.

- Here the code will run with full trust and runs without any code access security restrictions.

- Here the solution will be available to any web application on the server farm.

Master Pages in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 supports master pages to support consistent look and feel. SharePoint provides a special document library namely Master Page Gallery for storing master pages. SharePoint foundation has 3 out of box master page  namely:

But still there are some other master pages are present like:

You can check all the master page files in this directory also: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS

Amoung all the master pages v4.master is the most popular master page. It has elements like Site Actions menu, the breadcrumb trail, the Ribbon, the Welcome menu, the Site Icon, the TopNav bar, the Quick Launch etc. v4.master is the default master page in SharePoint 2010.

If you open the master page, then you will able to see it contains some standard html element like html, head, body, and form, and includes many server-side controls. But one more major concept it, is contents 34 ContentPlaceHolder  like PlaceHolderPageTitle, PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead, PlaceHolderMain etc.

Default.master is a master page designed to support a feature known as visual upgrade, which assists companies that are upgrading SharePoint 2007 sites to run within SharePoint 2010 farms. This is beneficial whenever a company is migrating from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010. He does not want his users immediately switch to new SharePoint user interface, in fact users can continue to work with the older SharePoint 2007 user interface during a transition period. After sometime then a site collection administrator can change from default.master to v4.master.

All these master pages are in ghosted, but you can open a site using SharePoint Designer 2010 and modify it. But after that it becomes unghosted and stored in the content database. But we have to remember one thing that these pages can not contain inline code.

Besides using all these out of box master pages, you can also create your custom master page using SharePoint 2010 designer or using Visual Studio 2010.

Create and use User Control in Asp.Net

We will discuss how to create and use a user control in Also we will discuss how we can create a website in

Here we will discuss how to create a web site. To create a web site Open Visual Studio 2010 Go to File -> New WebSite.
Then from the New Web Site template dialog box Choose Asp.Net WebSite. Then Give the path and click on OK.

Now since our web site is ready, we will now see how to create a user control. To create a user control Right click on the project then Click on Add New Item. Then from the Add New Item dialog box 

Choose Web User Control, give a Name and click on Add. Then in the acsx page you can add the controls that you want. You can see the details on the attached project which you can download from the below.

Now since we have finished creating the user control, we will discuss how to add this to the page.

To add a user control to a page, we have to use the Register tag of We have to write like below:
<%@ Register src="WebUserControl.ascx" tagname="WebUserControl" tagprefix="uc1" %>
where src is the path of the user control and tagname and tagprefix are used to call the web user control.

Now to call the user control write like below:
<TagPrefix:TagName ID:"ID" runat="server"/>. So it will be like below:
<uc1:WebUserControl ID="WebUserControl1" runat="server" />

There is also another approach to call or use user conrol. What we need to do is simply drag and drop the user control to the design of the page.

Create custom master page by using SharePoint designer 2010 in SharePoint 2010

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There are various ways we can create our own custom master page. Like you can use Visual Studio 2010 and also you can go for SharePoint designer 2010 to create your custom master page. Before doing anything you should be very clear wether you really need a custom master page from scratch. Because it is very much necessary to put the content placeholders in appropriate areas. Because it should not affect the performance issue also. Since Microsoft already tested all the out of box master pages, so it is always a good idea to copy the existing master page and modify within that.

So here we will use one of the existing master page V4.master and use that to create our new master page and we will user here SharePoint 2010 designer.
First of all open the site in SharePoint designer 2010 and In the SharePoint designer in the site objects in the left hand side click on master page as shown in the figure below. (DesignerMasterPage.png)

It will show all the master pages. Here right click on the V4.master and then copy and paste it in the same directory. And then Rename the master page file name to a valid master page name. It is always recommended to give a project specitic name. Then go for an IISRESET.

In the next part we will see, how we can publish and approve that and how we can set the default master page from v4.master to our custom master page.
For this Open your site in the browser and go to Site Actions -> Site Settings then from the Galleries go to Master pages and page layouts.

Then select your custom master page and click on Publish a Major Version as shown in the figure below (ApproveCustomMasterPage.png). 
Again Select the master page and click on Publish this version and select Approved as shown in the figure below (Approved-MasterPage.png).

Now your master page is approved, you can now go to Site Actions -> Site Settings -> From the Look and Feel click on Master Page and then select the custom master page from the master page drop down and click on Ok. Now whenever you will create a new site, it will take your custom master page.

Change page layout programatically in publishing site

The below is the code to change the page layout programatically of a publishing site at the time of site creation in SharePoint 2010.
public override void WebProvisioned(SPWebEventProperties properties)
                if (PublishingWeb.IsPublishingWeb(properties.Web))
                    PublishingWeb curPubWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(properties.Web);

                    foreach (PageLayout curLayout in curPubWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts())
                        if (curLayout.Name == "yourpagelayoutname.aspx")
                            foreach (PublishingPage curPage in curPubWeb.GetPublishingPages())
                                curPage.Layout = curLayout;
            catch (Exception ex)
                /* Handle exception here */

Hide Ribbon from Read Access users in SharePoint 2010

Ribbon is a very good feature provided by SharePoint 2010. But in some case you need to hide the ribbon from users who does not have access to edit the page. Here you can hide ribbon from users who does not have edit access by modifying in the master page in SharePoint 2010.

First open your master page in SharePoint designer 2010 and also take a backup for your master page. Remember we are going to modify in the v4.master page.

After taking the backup, now check out the master page and search for <div class="s4-title s4-lp"> and replace this with <div class="s4-title s4-lp" id="HeaderNavID" style="display:none">.
We have given one id property which is id="HeaderNavID" and one style property which is style="display:none"

Now go to the close 
</div> tag of the above div <div class="s4-title s4-lp" id="HeaderNavID" style="display:none"> and place the below code 
 <Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID="SPSecurityTrimmedControl2" runat="server" PermissionsString="AddAndCustomizePages">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.getElementById("HeaderNavID").style.display = "block";

If you want to learn something about SPSecurityTrimmedControl then you can see this Article.

For more information you can see this blog also which I followed.

Change master page programmatically SharePoint 2010

In this article we will discuss how to change master page programmatically in  SharePoint 2010. You can also check my last article on how to change page layout programmatically here. You can check how to create custom master page using SharePoint 2010 designer in SharePoint 2010

We will discuss how to change the master page at the time of site creation. So for that purpose we will have to write one event handler that will fire in the  WebProvisioned event. You can check an article on how to create event receiver using Visual Studio 2010 in SharePoint 2010

Once we created the event receiver we need to override the WebProvisioned() method as below to change the master page.

public override void WebProvisioned(SPWebEventProperties properties)
                using (SPWeb currentWeb = properties.Web)
                    currentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                    currentWeb.MasterUrl = "/_catalogs/masterpage/MyCustomMaster.master";
                    currentWeb.CustomMasterUrl = "/_catalogs/masterpage/MyCustomMaster.master";
//You can use the below approach also, but sometimes that did not work.
                    //currentWeb.CustomMasterUrl = currentWeb.Site.RootWeb.ServerRelativeUrl + "/_catalogs/masterpage/MyHpIndigo2ndLevelMaster.master";
                    currentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
            catch (Exception ex)

Once you will deploy the event receiver, try creating a web site and you will see the default master page will change to the custom master page.
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Fix width of master page in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will discuss about how we can fix the width of the master page in SharePoint 2010. Rather than trying with out of box master page, my recommendation is to try with a custom master page. You can also check how to create Vertical flyout menus in
SharePoint 2010 here.

To fixed the master page width we need to fix in css, and according to SharePoint designer best practices, it is not a good idea to modify in the out of box css files. So we can make a custom css file and refer the css file in master page. Or in the 2nd approach we can write in built css code in the master page itself.

First Approach:
Make a css file in the below directory:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\STYLES

And put the below css code there:

<style type=”text/css”>
/*fixed width */
#s4-workspace > div,#s4-bodyContainer > div,body #s4-titlerow > div{
margin:0 auto;
body #s4-mainarea{
/*make main area have background of white and add a border */
border:1px solid #ddd;
/*contain content in all browsers but IE7 */
/*add padding back to title table*/
padding:0 0 0 5px;
/*background color of site*/
#s4-workspace {
background:#efefef /*none*/;
/*body container */
/*fix overhanging tables*/

And save the file.

Now open the SharePoint 2010 site in SharePoint designer 2010.

Then open the master page on which you want to modify and put the below tag:

<SharePoint:CssRegistration runat="server" Name="/_layouts/styles/MyCustomCSS.css" After="corev4.css"/>

2nd Approach:

In the 2nd approach, Open the SharePoint 2010 site using SharePoint designer 2010, And then Open the master page where you want to modify.

Search for </head>

And before thant paste the .CSS code from the above and save and publish the master page.

After that when you open the site, it will be fixed width. Idera SharePoint Backup 2

Dataview webpart in SharePoint 2010

A Data View Web part is a great way to display data with filtering, grouping, and user desired formatting. It was the most useful webpart in SharePoint 2007 and now has been improved to a great extend in SharePoint 2010. In SharePoint 2010 you now have a XSLT Listview webpart and a Dataview webpart (Old one).

XSLT Listview webpart – XSLT Listview webpart is a ListView whose XSLT can be modified in SharePoint designer. With this you now have some advanced formatting options and can also use all the filters,sorting grouping etc features that a Dataview wbepart had in SharePoint 2007. 

DataView Webpart – Even after all the great features that XSLT Listview webpart has offered, i would still prefer to work with the old Dataview webpart’s XSLT if i have to. The OLD dataview webpart is still available and can be used in the same manner as we used in SharePoint 2007. To add a Dataview webpart onto a page follow the steps below.

1. Open your SharePoint Page and in Site Actions select ->Edit in SharePoint Designer. 

2. Now select a zone on teh Page where you want to add your Dataview weboart.

3. Next, click on Insert tab -> click on Data View.

4. In the drop-down of Data view menu click on “Empty Data view” . This will now insert an Empty Data view in your selected zone.

5. Next click on “click here to select datasource” to select the datasource or list. 

6. Select the list\library you want to display the data from. 

7. Next drag and drop the columns in the dataview webpart from the right hand column list (for the list\library you selected). You now have the Dataview webpart on your page. You can now use the formatting options available on your ribbon or can modify the XSLT either in SharePoint Designer or on the page itself by editing the webpart properties in the Browser.

Create Visual Web Part using Visual Studio 2010 in SharePoint

Lets us discuss how can we create a visual web part using Visual Studio 2010 for SharePoint 2010.
Follow the below steps to do so:
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and from that Select Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This will open your Visual Studio 2010.

Now File -> New -> Project and from the list of project templates select Visual Web Part and give a name and click on ok as shown in the figure.

In the next step in the SharePoint customization wizard, we have to give the local site url for debugging and we have to choose Deploy as farm solution. Remember one thing we can not deploy visual web part in sandboxed solution. Then click on Finish as shown in fig below.

Now our web part is ready, if you will look at the solution explorer then you will able to see a file name as VisualWebPart1 which is nothing but a user control as shown in the figure below. 
Just to let you know that, since its a user control you can write code as you are writting code in web user controls. For demo purpose I am taking the below code: 
<asp:Button ID="btnClick" runat="server" Text="Clcik Here" />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="lblResult" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>

VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx.cs code:

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

namespace VisualWebPartProject1.VisualWebPart1
    public partial class VisualWebPart1UserControl : UserControl
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        protected void btnClick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblResult.Text = txtName.Text;

Now since we finished our coding part, it time for build and deploy. Right click on the solution explorer click on Build Solution. After Rebuild all succeeded you can deploy the solution by right click on the Solution explorer then click on Deploy Solution.

Once the deployment succeeded it will be available to the web part gallery.

Page Viewer Web Part SharePoint 2010

Page Viewer Web Part is a out of box web part provided by Microsoft. By using this web part you can show a web page, file or a folder. To add page viewer web part in a page. First Edit the page and then click on Add a Web Part. Then from the Web Part categories Select Media and Content. From the Media and Content Web Part categories select Page Viewer web part. Then click on Add.

Once you will add the web part now you can configure the web part by clicking on open the tool pane link on the web part. Once you will click on open the tool pane link, the Page Viewer properties dialog will open. From the first section you can choose from radio button list what you want to display like Web Page, Folder or File. Suppose you will select the Web Page then in the Textbox put the URL of the webpage as shown in the figure below.

Now the Web Page will appear inside the Page Viewer web part. Also you can set all the other properties for the web part also.

Add Custom Web Part to Page Layout in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will discuss how you can add web your custom web part to sharepoint page layout. There might be different ways to add custom web part to page layout in SharePoint 2010, but here we will discuss how we can add by modifying the onet.xml file.

First of all after deploying your custom web part to the SharePoint web site, Please visit this link to get the 4 part assembly name of the web part which is very much important.

Once you got the 4 part assembly name, Now go to the appropriate XML folder to modify the onet.xml file which in inside the SiteTemplates directory. Here I am going to add my custom web part to a publishing web site. So my onet.xml is located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\BLANKINTERNET\XML (Please change according to your site template).

In the next step take a back up of the onet.xml file, before modifying anything.

Now open the onet.xml file in Visual studio (Visible clear even you can open in notepad also) and search for <Modules> tag. Then check for <Module tag. Rememner we have mo add web part inside <Module> tag.

Check for the module name, means usually the module name has the link with page layout name (correct me if I am wrong). So if your page is using Home page layout means you have to add in the module whose name is "Home".

If you want to add more than one web parts then you have to add one by one in the onet.xml file inside the module tag.
So inside <file tag add the below webpart add code below the <property> tag.

<AllUsersWebPart WebPartZoneID="MyRightZone" WebPartOrder="1">
  <webPart xmlns="">
      <assembly>TestVisualWebPartForLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a565f7cce9e306f5</assembly>
      <type name="TestVisualWebPartForLayout.VisualWebPart1.VisualWebPart1, TestVisualWebPartForLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a565f7cce9e306f5" />
      <importErrorMessage>Cannot import this Web Part.</importErrorMessage>
        <property name="AllowZoneChange" type="bool">True</property>
        <property name="ExportMode" type="exportmode">All</property>
        <property name="HelpUrl" type="string" />
        <property name="Hidden" type="bool">False</property>
        <property name="TitleUrl" type="string" />
        <property name="AllowConnect" type="bool">True</property>
        <property name="Description" type="string">My WebPart</property>
        <property name="AllowHide" type="bool">True</property>
        <property name="AllowMinimize" type="bool">True</property>
        <property name="Title" type="string">MyHelloWorld</property>
        <property name="ChromeType" type="chrometype">Default</property>
        <property name="MissingAssembly" type="string">Cannot import this Web Part.</property>
        <property name="Width" type="string" />
        <property name="Height" type="string" />
        <property name="HelpMode" type="helpmode">Modeless</property>
        <property name="CatalogIconImageUrl" type="string" />
        <property name="AllowEdit" type="bool">True</property>
        <property name="TitleIconImageUrl" type="string" />
        <property name="Direction" type="direction">NotSet</property>
        <property name="AllowClose" type="bool">True</property>
        <property name="ChromeState" type="chromestate">Normal</property>

As described above carefully give the assembly name adn type name. Also you can set the web part properties inside the <properties> tag.  Also another mail properties is WebPartZoneID, you have to give the zoneid which is present in the layout.

Once you will modify this save the onet.xml file and do an IISRESET which is mandatory to take into effect.

Web Part life cycle in SharePoint 2010

Like Asp.Net life cycle there is also Web Part life cycle. So it is better to understand the web part life cycle.

OnInit: This method handles initialization of the control.

OnLoad: This event handles the Load event. This is also used for initialize the control but is not intended for loading data or other processing functionality.

CreateChildControls: This is the most popular event in web part life cycle. This creates any child controls. So if you are adding any control to display then you have to write in this method.

EnsureChildControls: This method ensures that CreateChildControls has executed.
EnsureChildControls method must be called to prevent null reference exceptions.

SaveViewState: View state of the web part saved.

OnPreRender: This method handles or initiates tasks such as data loading that must complete before the control can render. 

Page.PreRenderComplete: The page fires the PreRenderComplete event after all controls have completed their OnPreRender methods.

Render: This method is used to render everything.

RenderContents: Renders the contents of the control only, inside of the outer tags and style properties.

OnUnload: Performs the final cleanup.

SharePoint workflow enabled objects

There are different SharePoint objects that workflows can execute on. Like:

List Items:
Workflows can run in SharePoint list items. You can directly attach the workflow to announcement list, task lists and issues lists etc.

We can directly attach a workflow by the Workflows menu from the ECB menu.

Infopath forms:
We can attach workflow to an infopath form. You can see some Infopath tutorials here.

Content types:
Content type is an important concept of SharePoint. We can attach workflows to content types. We can also attach one or more workflows into a content type. When a workflow is deployed into a content type, new instances of that workflow
can be initiated wherever list items of that content type exist. You can also see this article on How to attach a workflow to a content type?

SharePoint sites:
Now we can bind a workflow to a SharePoint site, which is then called a site workflow.

A workflow deployed onto a site can run actions on and react to events across all lists, document libraries, and items in that site.

A workflow that would be well suited for running at the site level could check each document within that site and ensure that all the documents have been routed for approval and that none have been declined.

Workflows can execute across an entire SharePoint site and are initiated from within View Site Content.

Difference between sequential and state machine workflow in SharePoint

Sequential Workflow:

- It looks very simple like flow chart.

- Steps within the workflow execute sequentially, one after another in the particular order.

- A sequential workflow always progresses forward, never going back to a previous step.

- Sequential workflows are definitely much easier to design and maintain.
Statemachine Workflow:

- A sequential workflow executes in no particular order and these are based on events like OnTaskCreated, OnTaskDeleted etc.

- A sequential workflow moves from one state to another until the logic concludes the workflow has completed.

- Compared to Sequential workflows State machine workflows are difficult to design and maintain.

- In order to move to another event, the workflow needs to meet another state.

- The workflow doesn’t really have to end. It can stay in the same state for weeks.

Visual studio provides both Sequential workflow and State Machine workflow. But in SharePoint designer you can only make sequential workflows. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

String First Letter Should be Capicalized using

Often we need to capitalize the first letters of some word or some text (for example when we want to display users name or city name etc).
Since string class does not have a method to do this we could think that there is no built-in solution in C# for this problem...

But a little digging trough MSDN would help us find ToTitleCase method of TextInfo class in System.Globalization namespace that does exactly what we need: capitalizes the first letter of each word in the string.

here is how to use it:

using System.Globalization;


string capitalized = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(" simply rocks!!!");

After the execution, capitalized string would have this value: "Asp.Net Simply Rocks!!!" which is exactly what we needed, right?

Off course, how will string be capitalized depends on the current culture that is set on your ASP.NET page, but we can easily override this and use the culture we want like this:

TextInfo UsaTextInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
string capitalized = UsaTextInfo.ToTitleCase(" simply rocks!!!");

.NET vs Sharepoint

Audit configuration changes, compare farms, document to DOCX
Code need to be written even to achieve simple functionality
Lots of pre-defined web parts and elements available no need to write the code.
Takes time to create the code and test
Very less time required
Skilled Professionals:
Skilled professionals are required to create the functionality
Even novice professionals can do so easily
License Requirement:
Not required at the time of deployment of solution
Free versions available, but in case of extensive requirements License is required

Advantages of LINQ over CAML:

- It is an object-oriented query language.

- It provides strongly typed objects at design time, you can create queries in code and know that they are correct because the code compiles.

- The strongly typed objects provide IntelliSense at design time, which makes it much easier to construct a correct query.

- The results are returned from queries as strongly typed objects, so the items and fields also provide IntelliSense and compile-time checking.

Disadvantages of CAML over LINQ in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will discuss disadvantages of CAML over LINQ in SharePoint 2010.
Disadvantages of CAML:

- Since CAML query is text based, If you are joining two lists accross a lookup field there may be various problems.

you do not know until run time if the query is written correctly. If the query is not correct, then it will simply fail at run time.

- It has no IntelliSense support at design time.

When writing the query, you have no idea what CAML elements are legal in the syntax without having a reference open.

- The query is difficult to read. You cannot determine easily what the query is doing and what lists are being joined.

- The data returned from the query is placed in a SPListItem collection, which does not provide strongly typed business entities.

Sharepoint Question and Answer

SharePoint. $375.
1.What is SharePoint 2010?
SharePoint was born out of a simple idea: “Sharing Documents”. Microsoft developed family of software products called “SharePoint”, to perform features like File Sharing, Collaboration, and Web Publishing. In simple terms, SharePoint acts as the single platform to share, communicate, store, and collaborate the content, documents, and records.

2.What does SharePoint 2010 family of products consists of?
SharePoint Foundation 2010 Search Server 2010 Express SharePoint Server 2010 Search Server 2010 FAST™ Search Server 2010 for SharePoint SharePoint Designer 2010 

3.What are Features of SharePoint? 
The new version of SharePoint allows users to work together in different ways. Microsoft has enhanced the social feature of SharePoint 2007 in SharePoint 2010 and has made it look better. Communities allow people to collaborate in groups, share knowledge, and find information on various topics easily.

Content: SharePoint content shifts SharePoint 2010 from a departmental solution to an enterprise solution. There has been massive improvement in content wherein users can add a significant number of documents to SharePoint. They can even use external data storage options to store more data.

Search: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 has acquired FAST search server, which improves the search tremendously for users. Now, users not only can search for content, but also people. User can opt for better language options with thumbnails and previews. User can even sort out the search queries and study similar search to get relevant search results. 

Insights: with the help of SharePoint insights, users can access information through different data sources like dashboards, scorecards, reports and more. To help users, Microsoft has introduced performance point server to the SharePoint platform. It is also known as Performance point services for SharePoint. It helps users discover right people and expertise to make better business decisions.

Compositions: SharePoint being a complete platform helps users in creating their code solution on premises or in the cloud. Complex application can be developed with the help of well-known tools like: InfoPath SharePoint designer 2010 Visio 2010 

4. What are the new features in Sharepoint?
Access Services: Use Access Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 to edit, update, and create linked Microsoft Access 2010 databases that can be viewed and manipulated by using an Internet browser. 
Business Connectivity Services: SharePoint Server 2010 include Microsoft Business Connectivity Services, which is a set of services and features that provide a way to connect SharePoint-based solutions to sources of external data and to define external content types based on that external data.
Central Administration: Central Administration has been redesigned in SharePoint Server 2010 to provide a more familiar experience Digital Asset Management: SharePoint Server 2010 includes a new asset library specially designed for managing and sharing digital assets such as audio, video, and other rich media files.
Enterprise Search (Fast Search): With the new capabilities in SharePoint Server 2010, search administrators can configure an optimal search infrastructure that helps end users find information in the enterprise quickly and efficiently. 
Excel Services: Excel Services in SharePoint 2010 can be used to publish Excel client workbooks on SharePoint Server 2010 Health Monitoring: SharePoint Server 2010 includes an integrated health analysis tool called SharePoint Health Analyzer that enables SharePoint Server to automatically check for potential configuration, performance, and usage problems. 
Managed Metadata: The Managed Metadata Service supports the use of managed metadata, as well as the sharing of content types across the enterprise. Performance Point Services: Performance Point Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 provides flexible, easy-to-use tools for building dashboards, scorecards, and key performance indicators (KPIs). 
Records Management:
In SharePoint Server 2010, user can manage records in an archive, or can manage records in the same document repository as active document. 
Sandboxed Solutions: User can deploy sandboxed solutions to quickly and more securely solve business problems. Sandboxed solutions are like farm solutions except in the following ways: they are rights-restricted and have a more permissive deployment policy than farm solutions; they are limited to the site collection to which they are deployed; 
Social Computing: SharePoint Server 2010 includes social networking tools such as My Site Web sites and social content technologies such as blogs, wikis, and really simple syndication (RSS). These features are built upon a database of properties that integrates information about people from many kinds of business applications and directory services.
Visual Upgrade: A new feature that is available with upgrade allows the server administrator or site owner to determine when and if the new look for SharePoint Server 2010 is used for a particular site collection. Server administrators can choose to adopt the new look and feel for all sites during upgrade, let site owners make the choice after upgrade, or keep the old look and feel for all site Feature Upgrade:SharePoint Foundation 2010 provides new members and types that make it possible for user to upgrade custom Features through versioning and declarative upgrade actions. User can update any Features created for Office SharePoint Server 2007 to work with SharePoint Server 2010 by using these members. Visio Services: The Visio Graphics Service is a service on the SharePoint Server 2010 platform that enables users to share and view Visio diagrams and enables data-connected Microsoft Visio 2010 diagrams to be refreshed and updated from a variety of data source.
Windows Power Shell: Windows Power Shell is the new command-line interface and scripting language specifically designed for Admin Client Object Model: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 introduces three new client APIs for interacting with SharePoint sites: from a .NET managed application, from a Microsoft Silverlight or from ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) that executes in the browser. The new client object models provide an object-oriented system for interoperating with SharePoint data from a remote computer easier to use existing SharePoint Foundation Web services.

5.What is Site collection?
SharePoint site collection is a logical grouping of multiple SharePoint site or hierarchical site structure. For e.g. Sites of various teams or departments of an organization can be grouped logically in one site collection. A site collection consists of a top-level site and one or more sites below it. Each top-level site and any sites below it in the site structure are based on a site template and can have other unique settings and content. Hence, SharePoint site collection is a hierarchical set of sites that can be managed together. Sites within a site collection have common features, such as shared permissions, galleries for templates, content types, and Web Parts, and they often share a common navigation. A sub site can inherit permissions and navigation structure from its parent site or these can be specified and managed independently. Creation of sub sites can be delegated to users of a site collection, but a service administrator must perform creation of site collections.

6.What is Site?
Site is a collection of web pages used to store information in an organized manner. It stores a list of documents, discussions, events, tasks, and many other types of information. Site provides controlled access to share information among users, i.e. authorize users are allowed to access the site & its elements. User can configure following elements in SharePoint site: Templates: Template acts as stencils, used to create similar attribute elements. Language: SharePoint has ability to create multilingual sites. Language packs are installed on the server to translate the portal in other languages. User can select a language-specific site template while creating new site. Security: User can define unique user groups and permissions for each site as well as site elements. Navigation: Site navigation reflects the relationships among the sites in a site collection. User can fine-tune site's navigation experience by configuring unique navigation links in each part of site's hierarchy. Therefore, planning navigation and planning sites structures are closely related activities. Web pages: Web pages in sites or site collection are used to display information. Site layouts: Site Layout dictates the overall look and feel of the SharePoint site. Themes: Themes specify the appearance of site in terms of Color & font. Regional settings: Regional settings are specific to particular country or geography, such as locale, time zone, sort order, time format and calendar type. Search: User can make each site having unique search settings. For example, user can specify that a particular site never appear in search results. Content types: A content type defines the attributes of a list item, a document, or a folder. Workflows: Workflow defines the action or series of actions that has to be performed on the occurrence of event. 

7. What is Sub Site?
A sub-site is a single SharePoint site within a site collection. A sub-site can inherit permissions and navigation structure from its parent site or can be specified and managed independently. 

8. What is List?
A SharePoint list is a collection of records related to an entity like a student, employees, etc. Records in lists are termed as items. A list contains columns or fields that define the item data or metadata. Lists are created using a GUI interface by defining the metadata types. Once the Lists are created, it becomes very easy to add, edit, delete, and search items in it. 

9. What is Document Library?
A Document library allows users to easily store, upload, share, collaborate, and track documents or files. Users can also store the properties related to documents called metadata to make the documents easily searchable.

10. What is Picture library?
A Picture library allows users to easily store, upload, share, collaborate and track images or digital pictures. Users can also store the properties related to images called metadata to make the images easily searchable. 

11. What is Check-out?
Check-out ensures that only one person can edit a document at a time. To edit a document, a user would first have to check out a document. This prevents anyone else from editing the document until that user check the document back in. During the period that the document is checked out, other users can only view a read-only version of the document. 

12. What is Check-in?
Check in a file means that user is uploading the modified file to the library and it is now available for edit by other users. Once the document is checked in, the document becomes available again to be checked out by someone else. In addition, all changes made by the person who checked in the document are now visible to others. 

13. What is Versioning? 
Versioning allows updates, restoring and tracking of the items in a list or in a library when they are changed. Versioning makes use of version numbers to keep track of changes. 

14. What is Site Columns?
A site column is a reusable column definition, or template that user can assign to multiple lists across multiple SharePoint sites. Site columns are useful if user organization wants to establish some consistent settings across lists and libraries. 

15. What are the various built in columns available in SharePoint 2010?
Single line of text Multiple lines of text Choice (menu to choose from) Number (1, 1.0, 100) Currency ($, ¥, €) Date and Time Lookup (information already on this site) Yes/No (check box) Person or Group Hyperlink or Picture Calculated (calculation based on other columns) Full HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing Image with formatting and constraints for publishing Hyperlink with formatting and constraints for publishing Summary Links data Rich media data for publishing Managed Metadata 

16. What is Content Type?
A content type is a reusable collection of metadata (columns), workflow, behavior, and other settings for a category of items or documents. Content types enable user to manage the settings for a category of information in a centralized and reusable manner. A content type defines the attributes of a list item, a document, or a folder. Each content type can specify properties to associate with items of its type.

17. What is rating? 
Rating provides user the ability to rate content (of any type, lists, documents, pages on a site, and even content types) and stores that rating information in the database. It is an assessment or classification of content on a scale according to how well the content meets specific criteria. Ratings show an average score that can range from 1 to 100. 

18. What is Audience targeting?
The content inside lists, libraries, web parts, etc., can be targeted to appear only for the users who are members of a particular group or audience. The audience can be identified via SharePoint groups, distribution lists and security groups.

19. What are views?
User can use views to see the items in a list or library that are most important to user or that best fit a purpose. For example, user can create views of the files that were created most recently, of the list items that apply to a specific department, or of the files created by one person. After creating a view, it is always available when user looks at a list or library. User can create personal views and public views. A personal view is available only to user while looking at a list or library. A public view is available when anyone looks at a list or library. To create a public view, user must have permission to change the design of the list or library. User can make a public view the default view for a list or library. 

20. What are the various types of views? 
Standard: This view displays list items or files like a traditional list on a Web page. Standard view is the default for most types of lists and libraries, and user can customize it in several different ways. Calendar: This view displays the calendar items in a visual format that is similar to a desk or wall calendar. User can apply daily, weekly, or monthly views in this format. For example, user can create a calendar to track the team's deadlines for a project or holidays for the organization. Datasheet: This view provides data in a format that user can edit, such as a table in a database or spreadsheet. This view can be helpful if user need to perform large editing tasks or customization, or export data to a spreadsheet or database program. Datasheet view requires a control or program that is compatible with Windows SharePoint Services, such as Office Access 2007, and ActiveX control support. Gantt: This view provides a visual view of data, with bars that track progress, if data is based on a time interval. A Gantt view can help user manage projects and see a quick overview of the data. User can use this view, for example, to see which tasks overlap each other and to visualize overall progress. 

21. What is Task list?
A task list in SharePoint displays a collection of tasks that has to be performed. Users can also add columns or metadata to store additional information about the tasks. 

22. What is Document Set? 
Document Set enables users to group multiple documents that support a single project or task, together into a single entity. All documents in a Document Set share the metadata and the entire set can be versioned. Document sets are built on SharePoint 2010 content types, and user can create multiple unique document set content types as part of their implementation.

24. What is Drop-Off Library?
The Drop Off Library will be the default destination when a user tries to upload a document to this site. This is used when user does not know that where should the document be uploaded in the site. In that case, user uploads the document in this library and the document is routed automatically to the specific library.

25. What is Routing Rules List?
The Routing Rules list, as its name implies, contains the rules for how a document is to be routed to its final destination. These rules are written to route the documents to their final and proper destination. 

26. What is Blogs? 
Blogs is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, description of events, or other material such as graphics or video. It can be used to post ideas, observations, thoughts and expertise on which comments can be done. 

27. What is Enterprise wiki?
An enterprise wiki is a publishing site for sharing and updating large volumes of information across an enterprise. Enterprise wiki can be used as a central repository for large organizations to store and share unstated information. 

28. What is Tagging?
Tagging is the ability to tag documents that enables user to search document easily with keywords. Tags cloud webparts enable users to display tagging keywords. 

29. What is Recent activity?
The recent activity is a helpful way to understand what the person has been working on recently. 

30. What is Survey?
Survey is used when user want to collect the responses from various people, across the organization about any event, any activity or any other thing. It is a list that allows user to collect the responses in various ways. User can ask the questions and they can answer those questions and then result can be analyzed by taking it to the excel sheet or through graphical summary or by watching all responses at once. 

31. What is My site?
My Site is the individual mini sites and acts as a central location to view and manage all of a user’s documents, tasks, etc. My Sites enables users to easily share information about themselves and their work. This sharing of information encourages collaboration, builds and promotes information about expertise, and targets relevant content to the people who are interested. 

32. What is enterprise Metadata Management?
Enterprise metadata management (EMM) is a set of features introduced in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 that enable taxonomists, librarians, and administrators to create and manage terms and sets of terms across the enterprise. There are two key principles in the use of metadata: Use of tags: It is easy for a site to use enterprise wide tags and taxonomies, and easy for users to apply them. Application of tags in SharePoint 2010: The document libraries are configured to use metadata as a primary navigation pivot and improves search. 

33. What is Web part?
Web Parts are customizable plug and play components that empower information workers to create personalized user interfaces by simply dragging and dropping them on a Web page. Web parts allow customization at both design time and run time. There are two types of web parts. In-built web parts: Web parts that are included in SharePoint. Developers can drag them from web part galleries and drop them into web part zones. Custom web parts: Web parts that are created by the user using visual studio is called custom web parts. A Web Part is composed of the following entities: The Web Part description file (.dwp) is a portable container of default and personalized property values for the Web Part. The Web Part assembly file (.dll) contains the logic and code for the Web Part, and is installed on the server running Windows SharePoint Services. Resource files that support the Web Part these are also stored on the server. Tables in the Windows SharePoint Services database are used to store current values of the Web Part properties. 

34. What is RSS Viewer?
RSS viewer is a web part that provides a good way of adding interesting content to SharePoint site pages. 

35. What is a Record Center?
The Records Center is intended to serve as a central repository in which an organization can store and manage all of its records such as legal or financial documents. The Records Center supports the entire records management process, from records collection through records management to records disposition. The Records Center site template is a pre-configured site designed specifically to help organizations implement their records management and retention programs. Versioning, auditing, metadata management, eDiscovery, and customizable record routing are built-in features that can help user to manage records more effectively. 

36. What is Document Center?
Document Center is a site on which user can centrally manage documents in an enterprise. A large-scale library useful as an enterprise knowledge base or historical archive includes features to help users navigate, search, and manage many documents in a deep hierarchy by using a set of specialized Web Parts. 

37. What is Digital asset management?
SharePoint server 2010 includes a new asset library specially designed for managing and sharing digital assets such as audio, video, and other rich media files known as Digital Asset Management. 

38. What is Social networking?
Social Networking Connects public to MySite pages to help establish connections between colleagues with common interests. 

39. What is a recycle bin in SharePoint?
Whenever user will delete something, it goes to recycle bin in SharePoint. User can restore items that have been deleted from the site from the recycle bin. 

40. What is Publishing feature?
Publishing feature enables the delivery of content for both internal and external users. User need to turn on the Publishing feature on a site. Checked in and Checked Out feature in a Site gets enabled and if user don’t Checked-in the change version then older version of pages are shown to users .Users can then brand the site so that it has the corporate look and feel, and can enable other users to edit the corporate site within the context of the Web. On a site with the Publishing functionality turned on, user can also create a multilingual site by creating a source site and then translating the site into other languages, which can be published as separate sites. 

41. What is Branding?
Branding means to create and design the portal according to the organizational norms, by changing the title, logo, header, footer, and content to provide the look and feel that suite the organization. Creating custom-designed UIs, either on a traditional HTML page or in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, is known as branding. Branding of portals is done to achieve the unique corporate identity of an organization across the market. 

42. What are Master page?
Master pages are template that other pages can inherit from to keep consistent functionality. The pages that inherit from master pages are referred to as content pages. Master pages allow developers to keep consistent, reusable, web based code (html, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) at one high level place, so that the content pages can concentrate on their specific web based code. A content page refers to a master page and the ASP. Net framework merges the two pages together to make one page. 

43. What are the various types of master pages?
There are three types of master pages in SharePoint 2010 V4.master: Default team site master page. Provides ribbon bar and other editing features using UI. Default.master: Sites upgraded from SharePoint 2007 use this unless they are changed to use a v4 version. Minimal.master: These trimmed-down custom master pages are commonly referred to as Starter Master Pages in SharePoint 2010. 

44. What are Content pages?
Content pages implement a master page. Content pages contain an attribute, which informs the compiler that the page should be, merged with a master page. This attribute is part of the page directive tag called the MasterPageFile. 

45. What is Page Layout?
Page layout dictates the overall look and feel of a web page. A page layout relies on a content type to determine the kind of content that can be stored on pages. Page layout contains field controls and web part. 

46. What is Site definition?
Site definitions are the foundations on which all sites and user templates are built. These are the collection of XML or ASPX files. Site definition contains information of web parts, lists, libraries, features, and navigation bars to be included in the site. 

47.What is ONET.xml? 
ONET.xml file is present in TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\XML\Onet.xml location, which defines the setup of the site definition, such as which Features to load, where the web parts go and what they will perform and which document library templates to assign and many more. 

48. List all the types of custom templates in SharePoint 2010?
Custom templates are of four types: List Templates: List templates contain the files, views, fields, Web Parts, and, optionally, the content that is associated with a list. Users create list templates on the Save as Template page for a list or through code, that uses the SaveAsTemplate method of the SPList class. When saved, list templates are stored in the List Template Gallery of the top-level site in a site collection, where they become available to all sites in the site collection that derive from the same site definition and language as the site on which the list was originally created Library Templates: A library template contains several types of libraries like asset library, document library, form library, record library, picture library, wiki page library. Each type of library displays a list of files and key information about the files, such as who was the last person to modify the file, which helps people to use the files to work together. Page Templates: Page template contains web part page, publishing page, and a normal html page. These templates are easily customizable and are used for sharing content. Site Templates: Site templates contain the same type of data as list templates, but site templates include data for the entire site. Like list templates, site templates may also include the content of the site. 

49. What is Theme?
SharePoint theme represents a collection of graphics and cascading style sheets that can modify how a website looks. Using themes, we can change font and color scheme of the sites.

50. What is Navigation in SharePoint 2010? 
Site navigation provides the primary interface for site users to move around on the sites and pages on the site. Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 includes a set of customizable and extensible navigation features that help orient users of the site so they can move around on its sites and pages.

51. What are the various options for Navigation available in SharePoint 2010? 
1. Navigation controls on master pages Top link bar navigation Quick Launch navigation Breadcrumb navigation Tree view navigation Metadata navigation 2. Navigation controls on page layouts Summary Links Table of Contents Content Query 3. Navigation Web Parts Categories Site Aggregator Site in Category Tag Cloud The following navigation Web parts are available only on 4.Publishing sites: Summary Links Table of Contents 

52. What is Ribbon interface?
Ribbon Interface act as the UI enhancement in the product. It provides the commands to be executed in the form of Icons and tabs. 

53. What is a workflow?
A workflow consists of a sequence of connected steps. It is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person, a group of persons, an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms. 

54. Explain .Net Workflow and SharePoint workflow?
.Net Workflow: Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) is a new programming framework introduced in .NET 3.0 for creating reactive programs. A reactive program typically represents a set of procedures or instructions used to capture and automate a specific business process. Windows Workflow Foundation supports publishing a workflow as an ASP.NET Web service on a Web server or server farm running ASP.NET on Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. Because Windows Workflow Foundation Web service support is based on ASP.NET 2.0, it inherits most of the features of a standard ASP.NET Web service. SharePoint Workflow: SharePoint workflows are built on top of WWF. WSS extends the WWF. WSS extends the WWF by introducing the concept of a workflow template. The main purpose of the workflow template is to integrate WWF programs into WSS so that they can be installed, configured and parameterized for use. A workflow template is created by adding a Workflow element to a feature that is scoped to the level of the site collection. 

55. What is Single sign-on?
Single Sign-on allows users to log on to a variety of applications with the single username and password and user has to enter the details only once for all the applications. 

56. What is ULS Logging? 
ULS Logging captures and writes events to trace logs. 

57.What are the key differences between Site template and site definition? 
Site Definitions Site Templates Site Definitions are the foundations on which all sites and user templates are built. Site Definition is collection ox XML and .aspx file. Site Definitions are predefined components needs to be included when a site was created in SharePoint server. Site Definition contains information of Web Part , Lists, Features and navigation bars to be included in the site Site template approach for SharePoint Site Creation is easier, and just requires the use of the Web interface and occasionally Microsoft FrontPage. Content can be saved with site template Files are on disk, better performance. Files are in content database, less efficient. Highly customizable and extensible (XML and .NET code is much more flexible than UI) Not easily extensible (users are limited by what UI offers) Can provision multiple webs Can only provision one web.

Document SharePoint Farm
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I am sharing some interview questions that were asked in interview.

1-Have you worked on moss 2007?

2-What is a List?

3-What is the new feature of Sp2010?

4-How to create a List ?

5-What is a sandbox solution ?

6-What are the components inside sandbox solution ?

7-What is avilable in Sp2010 so that u can see the errors?

8-How you are creating the visual webPart ?

9-How to add the custom properties to the visual webpart ?

10-What are different wizard available in Visual studio for SharePoint ?

11-Where can u find the custom webpart ?

12-How you are customizing the masterpage ? 

Q1. What is the work of SharePoint 2010 central administration?
SharePoint 2010 central administration work: Application Management, Monitoring, Security, General Application Settings, System Settings, Backup and Restore, Upgrade and Migration, Configuration Wizards etc.

Q2. What is a SharePoint Farm?
A SharePoint farm is a set of one or more server computers working together to provide SharePoint Foundation functionality to clients.

Q3. What is a service applications in SharePoint 2010?
Service applications are used to facilitate sharing resources across sites running in different Web applications and different farms. Basically SharePoint 2010 replacing SSP of MOSS 2007 in the form of Service applications.

Q4. What is a Site in SharePoint?
This is very difficult to define:
A site is also a storage container that allows users to store and manage content such as list items and documents.

Q5. What are the default lists available in a Team site?
A team site has 4 default list and that are: Announcements, Calendar, Links, and Tasks lists.

Q6. What is a recycle bin in SharePoint?
Whenever you will delete soming it goes to recycle bin in SharePoint. You can restore items that have been deleted from the site  from the recycle bin.

Q7. What to navigate to Site Settings page in SharePoint 2010?
From the home page, click on Site Actions -> Site Settings.

Q8. How to go to master page gallery in SharePoint 2010?
To go to master page gallery in SharePoint 2010 go to Site Actions -> Site Settings. It will open the site settings page, then in the settings page Go to Galleries section and click on Master pages.

Q9. How to change theme in SharePoint 2010?
Changing the default theme is very easy in SharePoint 2010. Go to Site Actions -> Site Sections -> Then go to Galleries and click on Theme link. It will open the Change Theme home page and from there you can select any theme you want.

Q10. What is a feature in SharePoint?
SharePoint feature groups custom functionality that developers and administrators can activate.

Q11. What are the feature activation scope in SharePoint?
A feature can activated in Farm level, Web Application level, Site Collection level & Site level.
Q1. What is the dot net framework version supported by SharePoint 2010?
SharePoint 2010 supports .net framework 3.5 and 3.5SP1.

Q2. SharePoint 2010 supports which versions of IIS?
SharePoint 2010 supports IIS 7.x means IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5 etc

Q3. Which versions of SQL Server supported by SharePoint 2010?
SharePoint 2010 supports SQL Server 2005 SP3 or SQL Server 2008/R2, but both should be 64 bit version.

Q4. What is the use of SharePoint_Config database?
SharePoint 2010 uses SharePoint_Config database to store farm configurations and contents. This database gets automatically created whenever you deploy the farm for the first time.

Q5. What is a Content database?
SharePoint 2010 uses content database to stores content for one or more Site Collections. Content can be items, documents, documents versions, pages, images etc.
You can deploy multiple Content Databases for a single web application.

Q6. What are different SharePoint editions?
There are different editions like: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Standard edition, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise edition, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for Internet Sites Standard editions, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for Internet Sites Enterprise editions.

Q7. What is the work of SPVirtualPathProvider?
SPVirtualPathProviders is responsible for determining whether the requested content should be retrieved from the content database or from the file system.

Q8. What are the SharePoint objects we can work in Visual Studio 2010?
Visual Web Part, Sequential Workflow, State Machine Workflow, Event Receiver, List Definition, Content Type, Site Definition, Application Page, User Control etc.

Q9. What are the things we can do using SharePoint designer 2010?
We can Personalize pages, page layouts, Web Parts, Web Part Pages, layouts and themes, master pages, Create and manage lists and document libraries, Manage users and groups, Design simple workflows etc.

Q10. What are the main capabilities of SharePoint 2010?
The main capabilities of SharePoint 2010 includes Sites, Communities, Content, Search, Insights and Composites.
What is SharePoint?

Microsoft often defines SharePoint as a business collaboration platform. In other way its is also a rich framework for developing business collaboration solutions. SharePoint is a platform for building websites, both intranet and internet web sites.
It is a collaboration platform for users, customers or whoever using the SharePoint web site.

What is the menimun software and hardware requirements to install SharePoint 2010?

Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, but for development purpose you can install SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Vista SP1/SP2. All operating system should be 64 bit. 

Database: SharePoint 2010 requires database of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or R2. Also all should be 64bit.
Application Server: SharePoint 2010 requires IIS7 +.

.Net Framework: SharePoint 2010 requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and SP1 is preferable. 

What are SharePoint 2010 main features?

Sites: Ribbon UI, SharePoint Workspace, SharePoint Mobile etc.

Communities: Tagging, Tag Cloud, Rating, Social Networking feature, My Sites, Blogs and Wikis, My Profile etc.

Content: Enterprise content type, Metadata and navigation, Document sets, Remote BLOG Storage, Audio and Video Content types, List Enhancements etc.

Search:FAST Search integration, Social Relevance.

Insights: Excel services, Visio services, web analytics, SQL server integration etc.

Composites: Business Connectivity Services, Info path form services, External lists, Workflows, SharePoint designers, Visual studio, REST etc.
What is SharePoint Central Administration?

This is designed to administer and monitor a SharePoint server farm. Here you can configure servers and servers’ roles, define farm topology, and create new web applications and Site Collections. This basically a SharePoint site. The main features included here are: Application Management, Monitoring, Security, General Application Settings, System Settings, Back Up and Restore, Upgrade and Migration and Configuration wizard.

What is a Site collection and Web application?

A Site Collection is a logical container that holds a set of websites, hosted in a web application. If you want to publish internet or intranet web site then you need at least a web application and one site collection.
To create a new Site Collection we need a parent web application.

What are the site templates available in SharePoint?

There are 5 different site templates available in SharePoint 2010, from which you can create sites. And They are:

Collaboration: It has templates for Team Site, Blank Site, Document Workspace, Blog, Group Work Site etc.

Meetings: It has templates for Basic Meeting Workspace, Blank Meeting Workspace, Decision Meeting Workspace, Social Meeting Workspace, and Multipage Meeting Workspace.

Enterprise: It has templates for Document Center, Records Center,PowerPoint Broadcast Site, Business Intelligence Center, Enterprise Search Center, My Site Host, Basic Search Center, and FAST Search Center.

Publishing: It has templates for Publishing Portal and Enterprise Wiki Custom: Here you can define your own custom templates.

What is a SharePoint list?

Everything is stored in SharePoint in form of List. They are similar to database. List have item, fields and Views. Items are like a row in a table. Fields are like columns in a database table. Views displays information from List.
How to create a SharePoint List in browser in SharePoint 2010?

To create a SharePoint 2010 list go to Site Actions-> then click on More -> Then you can select the type of list you want to create including custom list also.
Farm Solutions:

- Farm solutions are hosted in the IIS worker process (W3WP.exe).
- If you run any code in farm solution the whole farm will got affected.
- If you deploy any feature or retract any feature the whole application pool got recycled.
- Since they are scoped as farm level, they have full trust access to all the resources.
- When the Sandboxed Solution property is set to False, selecting Build\Deploy will deploy the solution to the Farm Solution Gallery.

Sandboxed Solution:

- Sandboxed solutionsare hosted in the SharePoint user code solution worker process (SPUCWorkerProcess.exe).

- The process runs under a CAS policy that restricts programmatic access to any resource outside the sandbox.
- So it never restart the IIS application pool.
- If you run any code it will affect only the site collection of the solution.
- Helpful if you have shared hosting.
- When the Sandboxed Solution property is set to True, selecting Build\Deploy Solution deploys the solution to the site collection Solution Gallery.

One major difference in the deployment is Farm solutions are installed and deployed. Sandboxed solutions are uploaded and activated.